Month: April 2006

  • And you give yourself away…. (name that song!)

    So I’ve slowly begun giving away my things. I’ve given away several CDs
    and a couple of movies so far, and much more will go over the summer.
    It has been fun to think of things that certain people would like. I
    try and think of people that certain things would have more meaning
    for. For example, I wouldn’t give my friend Kate my two-handed
    broadsword. So yeah, everything from my last CD to my last kiss must
    go. I’ll keep things that I need, like
    clothes, coats, shoes, some books, etc. But I’ll give away everything I
    can live without as best I can. I understand there are just some things
    that people may not want, which is find. It is considerably and
    wonderfully freeing, however,
    to relieve myself of all these THINGS that I have collected throughout
    my life. When you really examine all that you have and think about what
    you can do without, you’ll find what is really valuable to you. This
    whole experience has been quite a blessing for me actually. I challenge
    you to try it, just pretend. Imagine that you were asked to give away
    everything you could live without. In the end, what are you left with?
    What are the things that you are unable to part with?

  • So… my life is completely changed now…

    I just wanted to let everyone know that today I was accepted into the
    Society of Jesus a.k.a. the Jesuits. ISN’T THAT
    EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone for your prayers and

  • OK so an entry that consisted merely of three pictures generated 11 comments. ELEVEN. Am I that dull?

    Anywho, I deleted it so that claytoniantomb could sleep easier knowing that someone, somewhere, was no longer losing bandwidth or whatever.

    How am I? Well, I’m OK. School is kinda crazy, but my best friend is home safe and sound from Iraq so it barely matters how crazy things get here at school. I can’t wait for school to be over for the year, and I can’t wait to relax and enjoy the outdoors again. So yeah… I don’t really have anything to blog about, so if there is anything you want to see me post or write about or whatever, let me know.


    Ah, a man after my own heart. Read the post about “Love at First Click” on TheTheologiansCafe and then read the following comment left by V_tv:

    I abhor the thought of marriage through electronic means, particularly a sustained marriage and not just meeting your spouse online. The thought of children being conceived courtesy of FedEx is appalling as well. Could you look at the face of your child and tell them, “Little one, your mother and I have never met. I contributed my gift of life into a tube, mailed it to her, and it was artificially inserted into her uterus. You are a manufactured item, and thing.”

    Have we become so comfortable behind our electronic masks that we cannot even step into the light to love? Are we destined to devolve into dead, overweight monstrosities that might go a life-time without experiencing the heavenly intimacy of a kiss? Will the conception of children become a base function, a political decision made between two consenting people masturbating to electronically modified pictures of each other, the only cost being the postage of the man’s seed? The thought sickens me. The thought horrifies me to no end. Who will raise the child? Could mankind become so selfish that the child becomes a liability, an inconvenience that is best avoided if possible?

    If we lose respect for the life of children, the life of grown men and women will be worth as much as the animal you strike with your car. Then, I promise you, the world will rue the day it forgot how precious a gift life truly is.”

    Amen, brother. Amen.