Month: January 2005

  • You’ve won the lottery.  What is the first thing you would do?  THE very first thing.  Besides picking up the check? 

    Posted 1/31/2005 at 3:21 PM by Lady_Mother


    I HAD to answer this one right away. The first thing I would spend some of my prize money on, right? Well, most of you are well aware of The Intersection in Mt. Vernon. I would stroll into a City Council meeting or something and say, “Look. There needs to be a stoplight there. Tell me how much it’ll take and I’ll write the check. Make it happen.” Come ON people. Of all places in the world, there needs to be a freaking stoplight at that intersection!


    After I donated money for Mt. Vernon’s stoplight, I would give a portion of it to Tipton schools. I’d give a HUGE amount to the church and the Knights of Columbus to help them out. I’d pay of all my parent’s debts, my brother’s and sister’s college debts, and my debts, and I would pay to put all my siblings through college wherever they wanted to go. I’d give some money to my friends and I’d buy my grandmother’s house and property. I’d probably use the rest of the money to go ahead and finish school, then live a nice peaceful life full of a wife, kids, a big house in the countryside, yearly vacations, and no financial worries. I wouldn’t BLOW the rest of my money on crap, but I definitely wouldn’t work. Not a job anyways. I’d probably spend a lot of time helping whatever church I go to as well as being really active in the Knights of Columbus. So yeah. Watch out lottery. If you happen, so does the above. Keep the questions coming!


    NOTE: Hey, don’t forget to read my previous entry. I answered the latest batch of questions back there!!!!!!!!

  • Time to answer more questions! And this is not the end, feel free to keep asking.

    Question the First:

    “Why exactly did you leave the U of Wyoming?”

    Posted 1/28/2005 at 12:01 AM by BrowneyedGirl1017

    Quite simply, I left because I decided to change majors. I attended UW to study archaeology. When I decided to switch majors to history education, all of my former teachers recommended UNI. Contrary to popular belief, I did NOT transfer because of my girlfriend. And yes, I had that discussion with her at the time. I loved her dearly, but to change gears that drastically for something that could suddenly come to an end would be a poor decision. If we were married, however, that would be entirely different.

    what do you think?  Take the chance or let it pass? I know you’re not a relationship guru, but as a friend of mine, I just have to ask that question of you to hear your own advice.

    Posted 1/28/2005 at 9:33 AM by spidyredneckjedi

    Nate ma bookie, I no I am not a relationship guru either. But I am your friend and even though I still feel like I have little experience in this field I will give you the best advice I can sincerely come up with.

       I have been in this dilemma many, many times. In fact, every time I fell in love save for ONE time, I ended up falling in love with a very close friend. The one time I feel in love with someone who wasn’t a close friend was the only time I ended up in a relationship considerably different than a normal friendship. I have to admit, it is very easy to fall in love with a friend because of that special connection you already have. Relationships are based on mutual trust, and good friends already have this established. Relationships are also based on knowing a person, enjoying each other’s company, etc etc and these things have also been laid out already in a good solid friendship. A relationship that a boyfriend/girlfriend have is little different. I have always believed that the man/woman you love is also your best friend. It is kind of strange to think of it that way (many say “eww! my best friend?”) but it is the truth. Honestly, would you trust a relative stranger or a mere aquaintance with the same things you trust your best friend with? Or how about someone you love? You are so comfortable with a best friend that you have no secrets and no fear that they will hurt you. Sounds like the ideal love to me.

       However, therein lies the dilemma. You have a wonderful friendship that means a lot to you and you are afraid of losing that friendship while gambling on something a little more. So is it worth it? I for one am the hopeless romantic that believes love is worth dying for. I also believe in cherishing the friendships I share with people. Perhaps this great and perhaps silly perception of love being the greatest thing in life is the reason why my breed died out so long ago. Who knows. But I do know that love is worth nearly any price. I for one would gladly give my life for love. In a second. But I’m not every person.

       The decision you make should definitely not be made lightly. Personally, and this is the insane-has-nothing-to-lose me talking, I would sit her down and tell her how you feel. Don’t ask her out, and definitely don’t use the “L” word. Nothing scares a woman more than my face and the “L” word. My research has proven this. But yes, I would talk to her face to face and tell her how you feel, in complete honesty, and let her know that you aren’t trying to pressure her into any sort of decision. Let her know that you are merely being honest with her because you want her to know. It will be hard and it will be DAMNED SCARY but if you really have strong feelings for her, telling her will prove how honest and true a friend you really are. And maybe that confession will not lead to a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. BUT if she is a true friend as well, you will maintain an even STRONGER friendship because, ma bookie, you were honest and nothing is stronger than the truth. Except maybe adamantium. Maybe.

    PS- ‘ma bookie’ is Huttese for “my boy.”


    Favorite color? What foreign countries have you been to?

    Posted 1/30/2005 at 8:26 PM by BribB

    My favorite color is green, the kind of green you only see in the deep woods an hour before sunset and after a day’s rain. Mmm…. so beautiful.

    As for foreign contries I have been to England, Scotland, and Alabama.


    What one person do you look up to most?

    Posted 1/30/2005 at 9:36 PM by Gil_Galad

    Tough question. I look up to a lot of different people, some of whom never really existed. I look up to King Arthur to see how a strong leader can also be a moral  one, I look up to Beethoven to understand what passion is, I look up to heroes like William Wallace, Batman, and other legends to show me what courage is, people like that. However, over time I’ve found myself looking more and more up to God. He has the traits of all those I’ve ever held in esteem. So why not look up to a “packaged deal” of sorts? It’s a lot simpler. But I still admire my old idols. LOVE Beethoven’s music and I still am inspired by those old stories.


    Well that wraps up this round. Like I mentioned before, ask away! I love answering questions!

  • Well let’s get these answered.

    “Do you regret leaving the University of Wyoming?”

    Posted 1/27/2005 at 10:04 AM by BrowneyedGirl1017

       You know, I kind of do. Don’t get me wrong, UNI is a great university, and I’ve found a good church and made several new friends. However, I had such a wonderful community in Wyoming and I miss it dearly. I was an important part of something out there, something I can’t quite find here. If I ever get a legitimate excuse to attend school out there again boy howdy will I. Let ‘er buck!

    “Have you started reading the Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy yet?  Who is your favorite character in the Star Wars expanded universe?  Who, do you think, would win in a fight between Batman and Darth Vader?  Between Spider-man and Luke Skywalker (before the events in the New Jedi Order, please.  Got to make it a fair fight)?  If we had one of the comedians from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour show come up here, would you be interested in attending the show? When is your next break?”

    1/27/2005 at 10:23 AM by spidyredneckjedi


        Dang. No I have not started reading TUHGttG yet. Huh. That acronym thingy looks like the sound I imagine a drowning train would make.

       My favorite character in the Star Wars EU would have to be the short but brilliantly lived Anakin Solo. When he was a little trouble-maker, he was ok. Man, when he grew into a young man and a Jedi Knight, he showed the Vong a thing or two about pain. I loved reading about his transformation from boy to man in the Edge of Victory duology. Then later to read about his complete surrender to the Force in Star by Star…. wow. Just frickin’ wow. That and I think I might have a shot with his older sister. No, I’m not THAT much of a nerd.

        In a fight between Batman and Darth Vader, I believe Batman would win. Firstly, and this has been true since the dawn of time, good prevails. Batman is inarguably the GREATEST superhero ever, with Spiderman and Wolverine pulling in even at 2nd place. Batman is so great because he is one of those rare superheroes that does not have some freakish super power. His intelligence, his integrity, and his determination are his strengths. He focuses all his energies on righting the wrongs no one else will stand against, even though his cause could claim his life at any time. He spent the best years of his life traveling the world, using his family’s considerable wealth to further his knowledge in the ways of science, philosophy, etc. while also training himself in 127 different forms of martial arts. Most superheroes focus on their “talent” and rarely deal anything beyond that. Except maybe the Daredevil, but that movie was so bad my respect for him was squelched, save for the fact he had a good “eye” in falling for Jennifer Garner.

          Anyways, I think Batman would beat Darth Vader because he’d do his homework. He’d find out quickly that Vader was a Jedi and would therefore prepare himself appropriately by studying lightsaber technique and therfore knowing what Vader was martially capable of. He’d also realize the value of cortosis against the blade of Vader’s lightsaber and would integrate that into his own personal armor. He’d also find out that Vader is encased in a life-support suit and would most likely provide himself with appropriate EMP and ionization technology in order to effectively immobilize the Dark Lord. Finally, he would find out about the fact Vader employs the Force and would attempt to fend this off with either a ysalamiri OR the wonderful Force-blocking abilities of Mandalorian Iron. As I have illustrated, Batman has several options available if he ever has to battle with Darth Vader. But, Batman will only defeat, not kill Darth Vader. Here is the biggest reason why I like Batman.

        Batman’s most common “aka” of sorts, other than Detective is The Dark Knight. Why? Because Batman believes in the law of justice, not vengeance. Many argue he has a right to vengeance after what happened to his parents, and even Batman would argue thus. However, he believes that simply going about killing those who “deserve it” would make him as bad as they. Batman believes in justice, not revenge. Even though he could most likely defeat Darth Vader, he will not kill him. Just FYI.

       WOW there was a nerdy trip! Rather refreshing. And I’ve probably condemned myself to a single life forever now. Eh, oh well. Girls are yucky, right? Next question!

       Spiderman and Luke Skywalker. That’d be easy. There would be no fight! They would get along too well. Now if it were a friendly spar of Spidey vs. Luke, with the webslinging antics of one and the Dulon Martial Arts and Force abilities of the other, I think it would most likely be a draw. Both are endowed with the gift of precognition, so they would both anticipate what the other was about to do. UNLESS Luke used his Force abilities to mess with Spidey’s mind. However, Luke isn’t a cheap puss like that, so he wouldn’t. It’d be a draw, or it’d come down to Luke’s disciplined martial prowess vs. Spidey’s “jump around and slap him when I can” tactics. (Sorry Nate.) Luke, I would think, has the best chance of winning. He’s more of a “warrior” than Spidey. Now, Spidey is a great superhero, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t realize this until he stopped the train in the second film; what I feel to be his first visible act of heroism in my sight. No hard feelings Web-ster. I’m all for ya, but I gotta hand it to Luke.

        I’d love to attend ONLY IF Ron White came. And my break starts March 14th.


    PHEW! Final question:

    Have you read my Xanga lately?


    Gil_Galad, I read your site every day. In fact, I read EVERYONE’S site every day. Before typing papers or anything I check my email and go through everyone’s xanga sites. I don’t always comment, but I ALWAYS read.


    Well that concludes round one. PLEASE ask more questions! This was fun! Refer to my previous entry for the rules of question asking. Ta-ta!



  • Hmm what to post . . . it seems like ever since I gave up on romance I have nothing to talk about. I guess I am not interesting unless I am being tortured by life in some way or another. Umm . . . how about everyone can ask me a question and I’ll answer a bunch of them in my next entry? Maybe that’ll prove interesting. I’m willing to answer ANY question so long as I have not promised confidentiality to anyone else. For example, I won’t tell you something personal about a friend of mine. However, feel free to ask literally any question about ME. It’s all about ME people! Hope you have fun with it. And please, keep them appropriate? I don’t want to have to delete a bunch of, “what is your favorite position, how many times have you been f-ed,” etc. Oy, how lame!

  • How beautiful is that.

  • Yesterday I formally surrendered. I gave up hoping that Mystery Girl will somehow fall in love with me. After a talk with one of her close friends, I found out that Mystery Girl is still trying to work things out between herself and another man. This was a fact I was completely unaware of, and now I feel like a fool and a bastard for interfering. I can only imagine the quiet hell I must have put her through. The woman is no fool; she must have known how I still felt about her. But now I will let go of that high flying kite and content myself with being her friend. That in itself is a great privilege to be merely that, as was evident at the concert last night. We had a wonderful time attempting to dance and having a hilariously fun time failing to do so. Sharing in her joy was simply wonderful. Though a part of me wishes I could do so every day and sometimes be the cause of that joy, I love her enough to let her go. I think it was the Dalai Lama that said, “The perfect relationship is one in which a person’s love for the other exceeds their need for that person.” Something along those lines. Anyways, I’ve always believed in loving that way; a love that is so strong you would be willing to let that person go if that is what they wanted. It’s tough, but then again, what would it be worth if it was easy? I think oftentimes value lies in the struggle. Who wants to get an Olympic Gold Medal handed to them just because they showed up? What war was won without blood and sweat?

  • New look and feel. I hope it gives you all something a little more pleasant to look at. Well I should get to bed soon.

    Oh, by the way. I get to dance with Mystery Girl this weekend. That’s the light at the end of this week’s tunnel.

  • You ever try to hold onto something really hot without letting go, no matter how bad of a burn you were giving yourself? I have.

    It’s called hope.

    “Hear our singing, hear our longing.

    We will go home across the mountains.”

  • So Mystery Girl opened the Christmas gift I had given her. No, there weren’t any hidden “maybe-she’ll-love-me-NOW” motives behind it. It was a gift given from one deeply appreciative friend to another. I apparently had gotten her the perfect gift. Seeing the happiness beam from her face was a ray of sunshine in my cloudy life. Being used to dragging myself to class day-by-day and coming back to my dorm alone to read in the solitude, it was truly a breath of fresh air to not only have her company for an hour, but to share in her joy. . . oh what sweet life it brought.

    Aphrodite, how I love and hate thy wicked hand,

    Caressing the hoping heart with sweet honey

    Only to pour poison in my cup.

    Alas, I drink it gladly and

    Deeply, savoring the lie you

    Drip slowly onto my tongue.


    A little dramatic, perhaps, but when it is ten after eleven and you want to go to sleep, you frankly don’t give a damn, my dear. I surely hope the sun shines again because I’m barely making it through the forest as it is.

    “I’m scared because it is dark in here, and we may die.”

    To sort-of quote my friend , who I believe was quoting someone else. Something pertaining to brain cells.

  • Well I’m back at school. I have my own room now (happy dance!) and although I have TWO closets and TONS of space… it does get rather lonely. I find that I am reading more than I watch TV or anything. Started reading “The Iliad” by Homer. I just read it and pace around my room listening to music. I sometimes feel like the man in the picture up there. All I need is a knit sweater, a grouchy cat, and a pipe and I am officially old. Bah humbug.

    Sometimes while reading The Iliad I wish I could be there. To see some of the women they discribe would be truly humbling.

    Andromache (Hector’s Wife)

    Hera, Queen of the Gods


    And the current fantasy love of my life….


    There I’m done. I’d say I can quit any time I want to, but that day is so long in coming I might as well not.