Month: November 2003

  • Well I am back! Sorry this entry is so brief but I don’t have too much time right now. HOPEFULLY I can do a longer one later. Time will tell!

  • Well, I am off to Connecticut this morning, and I will not return until late Monday night. I have a Knights of Columbus Collegiate Council Conference in New Haven, Connecticut for the next couple of days. New Haven is where our headquarters is, and me being Chancellor here means I need to attend with our local Grand Knight. Well, a knight is nothing without duty, for life and honor both come of it. Please pray for a safe journey! I’ll try and update as soon as I return!

    “My honor is my life; for that I shall live and for that I shall die.”

                                                                  -Klingon saying (yeah, I’m a nerd)

    “A knight is sworn to valor, his heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, his word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the wicked.”

                                                          -The Code of Knighthood

    Just a little insight as to how I try to live my life. Good words to live by.

                                                          God bless and keep all of you!

  • Kinda grainy but oh well! Me and my girlfriend Christine as Will Turner and shipwrecked Elizabeth on Halloween! YAY!

  • Well I had a wonderful wonderful weekend. We spent time with my friends, went shopping around town, saw “Kill Bill, vol. 1″ and just spent time with each other. Gosh I miss her already… but Thanksgiving is fast approaching! I’ll hopefully see her then… man I can’t wait!